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GS Solar Power Project in Gujarat, India

GS Solar Power Project in Gujarat, India

This small scale project implements a 15 MW solar photovoltaic power plant in the Anand district in the state of Gujarat, India. The renewable electricity generated from the project activity is exported to the regional grid displacing an equivalent amount of electricity generated by conventional fossil fuel power plants (particularly coal). The project’s activity leads to the reduction of an estimated 24,344 tons of CO2 annually and helps to alleviate the demand-supply gap during periods of electricity shortage.


Indian economy is highly dependent on “Coal” as fuel, to generate energy. Thermal power plants are one of the major consumers of coal in India, and yet the there is a consistent power deficit in the national Grid. The project substitutes the use of the coal and other fossil fuel(s) for power generation and there by reduces carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the generation of power.


This solar project fulfils three sustainable development goals (SDGs) that contribute to giving  access to affordable and sustainable energy for the communities in the area, generating employment opportunities and economic growth in the region and taking urgent action to combat climate change.

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    Price per: Tonne of CO2

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